Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Class Project Map AKA DA MAP

for this project i used paper pencil and marker. this was an individual project where each student would make there own individual rectangle of a part of a map, where we would then put them together to make a new world map. i really liked this because i got to see other peoples styles of art work for maps. it is meant to be colorful and show what life and plants inhabit that region. i think this is very creative and that it shows how well we can work together.

Day of the Dead Piñata

 this is my day of the dead piñata. i used a ballon and paper mache to cover the ballon with to make this. i used paint and construction paper. the paint was for the color and the construction paper for the mohawk. i like this artwork because it's 3D and easier to express yourself with it.

Imagination Creation

this is my imagination creation photo. i made it with a paper where people would put whatever they wanted on it. that was the chaos part of the artwork. my job was to add calm, peace, sense to it. i used water color to make it. i used solid colors of blue, red and green squares. i believe the message of this piece is to just go crazy, be yourself.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Halloween Landscape Project

For my Halloween Landscape project i used water color and my imagination. this art piece uses lines and color mostly. it also uses darkness and lightness. i learned that is is hard to be precise with a water color brush.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Still leaf Project

For my still leaf project I used water color paint and I used lines and shadow type thing techniques. I used some color in it and I used lines. I learned that it’s really hard to use detail with water color because my hands aren’t steady enough to draw thin lines and that kinda stuff.
Jaren Moore

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Shadow Face Portrait

For my Shadow Portrait i had to write some words beneath which to me, meant nothing because I simply wrote it for that. the technique that we used was we outlined all the shadows and then we filled them in with black. absolutely no shading. i think the message was that somethings are just black and white.

Texture Fish Painting/Drawing

To make my texture fish project artwork I used sharpie to make the texture and pencil to make the guide for the sharpie. I used a lot of line and water color and I also used the water color paper. I used mostly black and blue for the artwork where the black was used on just the fish and the blue was used solely for the making of the water. The water and fish were not allowed to overlap as to create texture. I believe that the message is that puffer fish are awesome. The reason that the message is this is because I drew some epic puffer fish. I learned from this artwork that not everything has to be colorful.